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Friday, July 30, 2010

How Grains and Sugar Wreck Your Health

In America, the addiction to bread, French fries, and soda has resulted in an obesity epidemic. It’s not fat that makes people overweight and unhealthy, but the excess carbohydrates from the starch-and-sugar-loaded American diet, Dr. Joseph Mercola points out.

Telltale Signs of Carbohydrate Addiction

We all need a certain amount of carbohydrates. But we’re simply consuming too many grains, sweets, and other starchy and sugary foods. The overconsumption of grains usually causes the following symptoms:

• Bloating
• Brain fogginess
• Depression
• Excess weight
• Fatigue and frequent sleepiness
• High blood pressure
• High triglycerides
• Low blood sugar

Insulin and Illness

Eating any meal or snack high in carbohydrates generates a rapid spike in blood glucose. To compensate for this rise, your pancreas secretes insulin to lower your glucose level. Your capacity to store carbohydrates is limited, Dr. Mercola explains, and insulin converts the excess carbs into fat and stores it in your adipose or fatty tissue.

Insulin, stimulated by the excess carbs, is responsible for bulging stomachs, double chins, and fat rolls on arms and thighs.

High insulin levels suppress two other important hormones – glucagons and growth hormones – that are responsible for burning fat and sugar and promoting muscle development, respectively. In short, insulin from excess carbohydrates promotes fat production and then impairs your body's ability to burn that fat.

The dangers of grains do not end there. Grains contribute to allergies, cause a host of digestive disorders, suppress your immune system, and are associated with many obesity-related chronic diseases such as cancer and diabetes.

Dr. Mercola’s revolutionary book, The No-Grain Diet, will teach you how to reduce grains and sweets from your diet the healthy way. This grain-free diet is not a quick fix to achieve weight loss. The No-Grain Diet is a comprehensive eating plan designed to improve your health by conquering carbohydrate addiction, increasing your energy, optimizing your weight, and more.

Thursday, July 1, 2010

Reduce Your Salt Intake with the No-Grain Diet

Ever heard of sugar going straight to your hips? Well, salt can go straight to your ankles and face if you're not careful.

Your body needs a basic amount of salt to be able to function properly. Very low-salt diets can actually be harmful. However, eating too much salt can cause edema, which occurs when fluids in your body tissues cause your face, ankles, feet, and legs – sometimes even your entire body – to swell.

But the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) is concerned about the more serious health consequences of high salt consumption. Too much salt contributes to high blood pressure, which increases your risk of heart attack and stroke.

In February, the Institute of Medicine declared high blood pressure a "neglected disease" that costs the government some $73 billion annually.

According to a CDC study, nine out of 10 Americans are consuming too much salt, with most of them getting about 3,466 mg of sodium a day – more than twice the recommended amount of less than a teaspoon per day.

The 2005 Dietary Guidelines for Americans recommend no more than 2,300 mg of sodium per day. New guidelines for 2010 are expected to be at 1,500 mg or lower. The CDC projects that cutting down salt intake to just 1,200 mg a day would reduce the annual number of new cases of heart disease by at least 60,000 and stroke by at least 32,000 cases.

Most of the salt consumption comes from processed and grain-based foods at 1,288 mg or 36.9 percent. Meats, poultry and fish came in at second with 994 mg or 27.9 percent, followed by vegetables with 431 mg or 12.4 percent.

Yeast breads, chicken and mixed chicken dinners, pizza, pasta dishes, and cold cuts are the top five sources of salt in the American diet. These foods usually use common table salt. Table salt contains chemical additives and is processed at over 1200 degrees.

Natural salts such as Celtic or Himalayan salt however, are dried naturally and are not chemically processed. They also contain many minerals that your body requires to function well.

Dr. Mercola’s No-Grain Diet will help you curb your salt consumption by drastically reducing the amount of grains you consume. The No-Grain Diet provides you with a comprehensive food plan – which includes easy-to-make grain-free recipes you can follow for life -- teaching you the right type of foods to eat to stay slim and healthy, and the things to avoid, like processed salt.

*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. If you are pregnant, nursing, taking medication, or have a medical condition, consult your physician before using this product.