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Friday, October 2, 2009

Keep Your Gut Healthy with Probiotics and the No-Grain Diet

"Death begins in the colon.” Has a morbid ring to it but it’s close to the truth. Coroners often encounter colons which are almost 80 percent clogged with waste when they perform their autopsies.

According to independent U.K. organization Royal Society of Medicine, gastrointestinal tract infection leads to 90 percent of all chronic diseases.

You are exposed to countless of toxins and chemicals every day through the air you breathe, and in particular, the food you eat, the water you drink and the pharmaceutical drugs you take. You are giving your gut the heavy burden of having to process harmful substances it was never meant to process, such as artificial sweeteners, flavorings, sedatives and other toxic offenders.

Several of these toxic substances are highly active and can produce profound effects, even at very small quantities. The cumulative effect of these poisons is an unhealthy body and serious disease.

For example, a study conducted by UCLA researchers links exposure to maneb and paraquat, two pesticides used to protect dry beans, potatoes and tomatoes, to Parkinson’s disease.

Aside from being contaminated with pesticides and other hazardous chemicals, conventionally-grown produce tends to have lesser nutrients.

Eating “regular” beef, chicken and fish, on the other hand, also has its share of risks. Beef and chicken may contain antibiotics and growth hormones, while a lot of the fish available on the market today are caught off mercury-polluted waters.

The no-grain diet helps you take good care of your gut by emphasizing the importance of consuming organic fruits and vegetables and choosing healthy meat, including grass-fed beef, organic poultry and mercury-free fish.

Organic foods are “gentler” on your gastrointestinal tract because they contain less (or no) pesticides and provide higher levels of vitamins and minerals.

Most people also don’t know that 80 percent of the immune system lives in the gastrointestinal tract. That is why your gut is counting on you to keep it healthy, for your own sake.

For Dr. Joseph Mercola, taking a quality probiotics supplement is a simple and effective way to help maintain the balance between the good and bad bacteria in your intestinal tract.

Good bacteria began “colonizing” your gut the moment after your birth, with the first immune-building bacteria “settlers” coming from your mom’s breast milk, Dr. Mercola explains.

As you grow older, however, poor diet and lifestyle choices gradually poison your gut, feeding the growth of bad bacteria.

When the delicate balance between the good and bad bacteria in your gut is disturbed by antibiotics, an inadequate and flawed diet, environmental toxins and other foreign invaders, it can lead to digestive problems and stomach illness. Recurring gastrointestinal disturbances can even result to more serious conditions such as Crohn’s disease and colon cancer.

To help you avoid these problems, Mercola recommends New and Improved Complete Probiotics, a specially-formulated probiotic supplement containing 10 good bacteria strains. This probiotic powerhouse contains almost 66 billion beneficial bacteria in every capsule, helping you maintain the ratio of good to bad bacteria in your gut, supports normal immune response, enhances the breakdown of toxins, and promotes appropriate bowel transit times.

Aside from helping keep your gut healthy, New and Improved Complete Probiotics helps support the production of B vitamins and vitamin K, promote mineral absorption, support protein and carbohydrate digestion, produces lactic acid to support digestive function and colon pH balance, helps maintain healthy serum lipid and blood pressure levels, and even helps promote oral health.

A clean and normal gut means a healthier and happier you. Death doesn’t have to begin in the colon if you decide to take control of your health. The simple act of taking a probiotics supplement can greatly enhance your life.

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