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Friday, January 8, 2010

7 Tips on How You Can Succeed with Your Diet

Are you one of millions of people who’ve set weight loss as part of your New Year’s resolutions? Many are determined to lose weight at the start of the year but the reality is only a few are successful.

But why do most dieters fail? Because they think of diet as a quick fix and something temporary. Many go for the latest fad diets endorsed by celebrities. Many of these diets are unhealthy and once you quit them, your weight will come back and may even make you heavier than when you started.

Diets fail not because you lack the willpower; it’s because you return to your old habits and do what your body tells you to do, Dr. Joseph Mercola explains. Dr. Mercola is the proponent of the no-grain diet, a revolutionary eating strategy designed to help you effortlessly lose weight. Most diets will recommend cutting down on grains and sugars but on the no-grain diet, you will TOTALLY avoid eating grains and sugars for a certain time to give your body time to change the messages it’s sending you.

Mercola’s no-grain diet aims to totally reprogram your system for permanent weight loss. It isn’t easy to give up grains at first but with enough discipline, you’ll find that going no-grain is very achievable. Here are some tips that will help you stick to the no-grain diet:

1.    Do it for yourself – Your main motivation for going on the no-grain diet should be you, yourself and you. Use the diet as your first step to take control of your health this year.
2.    Know the benefits – Familiarize yourself with the benefits of the no-grain diet. Aside from weight loss, the no-grain diet will help you beat your addiction to unhealthy food so you can stay slim for life, thus improving your physical health and how you view yourself.
3.    Commit to the diet – The first phase of the no-grain diet only requires three days. If you can make it through the initial phase, the eating plan becomes easier to sustain.
4.    Constantly remind yourself – Place notes around to remind you of your commitment to the diet.
5.    Stay consistent – The more consistent you are, the easier it will be to stick to the no-grain diet. Set a regular time for your meals and snacks to help you build a healthy habit.
6.    Remove temptation – Restructure your environment to take away the things or obstacles that might tempt you to cheat on your diet.
7.    Know the pain – If you’ve tried diet after diet with little or no success, let the pain of failure motivate you to stick to your commitment. You should also be aware of the consequences of going back to your old eating habits.

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