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Thursday, May 27, 2010

Are Grains More Dangerous to Women?

It seems that women are more susceptible to the dangers of grains.

A national institute for cancer research in Italy determined that women who eat more white bread, white rice, pasta, pizza, and other carbohydrate-laden foods that cause a spike in blood sugar levels double their risk of heart disease.

Researchers from the Fondazione IRCCS Istituto Nazionale dei Tumori examined the diets of 32,578 women and 15,171 men (diabetics were excluded from the study as they have abnormal levels of blood sugar and insulin) and calculated their total consumption of carbohydrates for eight years.

They found that 158 women and 305 men developed coronary heart disease, and that women whose diets had the highest glycemic index (GI) score were 2.24 times more likely to develop heart disease than those who consumed the fewest carbs.

The Institute, however, admits that they have not yet determined why a high GI diet does not appear to increase the risk of heart disease for men. The researchers suggest that men may process carbohydrates differently. There may also be other factors that could be more important in how men develop heart disease.

Women who develop heart disease usually suffer from forms that affect their blood vessels, while men suffer from forms that affect their heart muscle.

Heart disease is currently the leading killer of both men and women in America and Europe, where high carbohydrate diets are common.

Dr. Joseph Mercola believes that the glycemic index is not a very reliable tool for weight loss or improving your health because its standards are flawed. High fructose corn syrup, one of the major contributors to obesity, has a low GI score.

His NY times best seller, The No-Grain Diet gives you the tools to help normalize your blood sugar and insulin levels by drastically reducing your grain and sugar consumption.

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